How To Cure Hemorrhoids Without Medications

Piles can be very irritating for any sufferer and really can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. They are caused by a variety of different things and can be both internal and external. In order to find a remedy for piles you may have to conduct a little trial and error in order to find the best possibly treatment for you.

As well as trying the above treatments to send away those piles for good, making some alterations to your diet will eradicate their occurrence. It is important to include a high fiber diet and increase your fluid consumption as the initial form of home treatment.

Wash the area gently with warm, salty water, to get rid of irritant mucus that has leaked out. Dry carefully with cotton wool and apply petroleum jelly (available from pharmacies) or nappy rash cream to protect your skin if more mucus or moisture leaks out.

Obesity is in fact a very grave problem as the life style exercised is not active. It can put a lot of pressure to the pelvic muscles which is ultimately responsible for developing piles. As the diet followed by the obese person may not be good and healthy, this in fact will pave way for hemorrhoids. Proper exercise at least for some hours along with a high fiber diet is very much essential to prevent hemorrhoids in this case.

They are more common Diet in piles pregnancy for various reasons. As your Uterus puts pressure on the veins in your pelvis, it also puts pressure on a large vein on the right hand side of the body that services blood flow from your legs. This slows up the return of blood from your legs, increasing pressure on the veins below your uterus. This can cause them to become swollen.

Ice packs - Ice packs are great for reducing swelling, and pain from piles. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get fast relief with an ice pack. An ice pack will numb the area here and will reduce hemorrhoids swelling.

Take a warm 15-minute sitz bath. This will feel very soothing and will help reduce the swelling. Follow that up with an ice pack directly on the anus. Ice will help the clotting process and reduce the swelling.

Other causes of hemorrhoids in children are prolonged sitting and obesity. Sitting on a chair for a long period of time is hard to prevent because of school. Exercise helps regulate bowel movements and fight obesity. Hemorrhoid creams are also available to reduce the inflammation.

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